Autumnal rain fell with the leaves yesterday and the day before but today misty drops were replaced by a sunlight shining golden through my morning window.
Pulling my hiking boots from the closet, I laced them up then after tying a double knots I joined the sun.No, it is obviously not native but yes, I planted a banana tree in the field near the New Woods.
It grows very slowly in the poor soil. If it ever poses a threat of invasion I will simply mow it down or dig dirt away from the roots. It is barely hardy in our area and spreads only by growing a larger root mass. I approached the tropical foreigner and noticed something interesting.Something was eating the banana leaves. It was something with teeth, not bugs. I was curious since it is a non native and the leaves are so very tough. For now it will remain a mystery.
There is some summer color remaining in the woods. First, I spied a couple violets.

Some small white asters and the larger Wood aster (Divaricatus)

as well as a flower as golden as this morning's sun, Wingstem (Actinomeris alernifolia)
We have seen plenty of honeybees this year - a welcome sight.
As I walked on I saw a spot of woods poking out from under some brush. Do you see it?
Look a little closer
I'm pretty sure it is a large Jack-in-the-pulpet but I really want it to be Ginseng. All the Jack-in-the-pulpets I've seen in this area are a small type with small berry stems. I think, though, that the way it is clustered on the stem is particular to Jack-in-the-pulpet. The examples of Ginseng I have seen are more rounded clusters.
Aw, well, it is time to take a last look at the woods and turn toward home do some chores.
don't fret, we'll go out at least one more time before all the leaves are gone.
Once again, I am including the link to this album below because I heard the band last weekend and loved it. I wish you could have heard them. One day you may hear them on the radio. HaHa Tonka is named after a park in Missouri. They are Indie Folk/Rock with an unbelievable 4-part harmony on some of the a cappella tunes. they are full of youthful enegry which they mesh with traditional Ozark Mountain music sounds. Once again, I am includeingthe link to this album below because I heard the band last weekend and loved it.
Lovely photos, especially with the banana as it's something you wouldn't usually see in such a setting, ethereal and surreal at the same time. It's unlikely to be invasive in your area, and it's a clumper too :)
Very nice stroll you took us on! :-)
It does look like a jack berry cluster.They are on longer stems around my home.
Great photos...I had no idea a banana plant would grow in your area! Maybe deer are dining on it?
While still at the first photo, i thought why is there a banana at the middle of nowhere! And it looks so near the base of the tree, it might not receive full sun! Then you were discussing it in the next photo. Yes it looks malnourished, needs some compost. haha. The last photo is lovely as we dont have it here!
Alright, since several of you worried about the banana tree, I posted, today, a view of my healthy, well cared for mature plants. enjoy.
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