Thursday, June 30, 2011

Groundhog Morning

As I Walked into the yard from behind my garden I spotted a groundhog . . .
. . . just as it spotted me.
This groundhog's home was right in front of where I stood - very still clicking away.
I remained still though it seemed like the groundhog was running straight at me . . . 
I'm glad this wasn't a grizzly.
It just kept getting closer.
A quick stop to check make a decision. Did he really want me to see the entrance to his home?
That board board you see here is helping to support a log cabin stacked up and stored for rebuilding. A future log home evidently makes a good cover for a groundhog hole.
Our groundhog decides to hang around the front porch to watch me awhile before going underground.
Now,  from this more natural meeting of a groundhog to a less natural but VERY cute encounter.  Yes, I know it isn't a good idea to feed groundhogs in your yard, but I'm very glad my Aunt Judy does it.   
And finally, here is a teaser for the future (perhaps) video
This blog entry was supposed to end with a video but I am having too much trouble uploading it from my Mac. I've been trying since 8:00 this morning. Check back in the morning to see if it is here.



RedPat said...

He looked quite ferocious running towards you!

NCmountainwoman said...

Groundhogs can do a lot of damage to your garden. I'm just sayin'.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i know they are considered pest, but he is soooo cute and he looks like a mini grizzly running at you. great shots and i am glad she feeds them to

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

The first pics are all our wild groundhog, a definite pest, destructiinist and general (cute) nusience. The video is still trying to load. You may never see it.

TexWisGirl said...

oh that is too cute!

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

I am on the outs with mine. They had the nerve to eat my softball size cantaloupe. If they were not so darn cute I could wring his neck. You really got some great photos of him.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

You are so brave to withstand the onslaught! We have a groundhog that comes right up to our kitchen door, rears up, and watches us eat. He's a handsome fellow, much like yours.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I was waiting for its final charge towards you ... glad it worked out well ...

Out on the prairie said...

What a great set of pictures. They are cute but can become a large family. I have watched one area where an owl sat overhead waiting.See you in a week.

JSK said...

What a wonderful encounter. Looks like he has quite a personality

Laura lok said...

Great photos