Monday, September 5, 2011

Rama Clamitans

Crouched, still, behind green fronds
She sits waiting.
Patience is her virtue.
Green frog, Rama Clamitans, female because if this were male, the tempanum (ear drum - circle near eye) would be larger than the eye.
Not a bull frog because of the dorsal fold (that ridge going from the eye down back)  A bullfrog's ridge would only circle the tempanum.
The problem with this identification is the mottled chest.  in none of my books or web sites do I see this mottling or read about it.  If you know better, please tell me (Heather, I'm counting on you.)
The Green frog's sound is like the "plunk" of a banjo.  I remember it by thinking that it sounds like Red Green playing the banjo. I use whatever works.  Thanks Patty for giving me that frog CD. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is gorgeous and what a great shot of her, all the details are there for us.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful photos of this little frog. Now I know a little more about the frog world. Thank you!

Kim said...

Thanks for making my frantic morning a little calmer and serene.

TexWisGirl said...

well, she's beautiful. and a great poser.

Kathy said...

I'll bet she's been kissed by lots of princes!

Anne McCormack said...

Hooray for frogs, banjos, and Red Green!

Unknown said...

Your light in the last pic is superb!

RedPat said...

I missed this one earlier this week! What a lovely little girl she is.

JSK said...

Beautiful photograph. In my experience, it's rare for them to sit out of the water and pose like that. Great catch!

Rose said...

I just clicked to follow you...thought I already had. Maybe I did it while signed into Time Stand Still...

Anyway, this is a great shot.