Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Magnolia fraseri

On my afternoon tea at the Wells Inn in Sistersville, West Virginia,  with my sister, and our husbands, we parked our car along the curb. I quickly spotted the bright pink cylinders perched atop drooping sprays of large, light green leaves.
Mountain magnolia (Magnolia fraseri) is native to West Virginia, but not down here along the Ohio River. It prefers the cool, sheltered mountain slopes but it seems to do fine in the protected yards of the valley where our summers are hot and very very humid. Like me it has been transplanted to this valley.

This is the color of my face when mowing in the heat of summer. I suppose it would be alright to call the shade, "hot pink."
I wonder if, like me, the summer humidity makes it want to take a trip to the mountains for rejuvenation? I wish we could make plans and escape together.
Yes, ours could be a fine friendship.


Out on the prairie said...

What a lovely bloom

TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous hot pink! neat tree!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just noticed our neighbors tree across the street 2 days ago, it is covered in these beauties. but i think they are to high for me to get a shot

Cynthia White said...

Very colorful images :)

NCmountainwoman said...

We have a lot of mountain magnolia around here. Amazing white blossoms in spring and those beautiful pink fruits in the fall.

Kim, USA said...

I vote for that name "hot pink" ^_^

Jim said...

My vote is for "find a friend" :)

Unknown said...

A beautiful color for the flower, but I hope your face is not that exact color:):)

Mark and Gaz said...

Beautiful shade of pink contrasting with the equally lovely foliage!

Rose said...

I get that color, too, or did. My husband mows all the time now.

What the heck, its a beautiful color.

Kathy said...

So pretty. The buds look very much like the buds of the Southern magnolia.