Thursday, March 22, 2012

Signs of Spring

Subtle changes throughout February provide clues of what is to come.  Birds wake up earlier, calling from treetops as they delineate territory and search for romance. Then March arrives, Robins leave the protection of the woods making us think they have just arrived from some exotic winter home.
Just as the change to daylight savings time makes mornings darker, birds wake me up earlier, calling, calling calling, until finally I get up - give in - to join them for a new day. 
Finally the equinox allows us to call it Spring! Earth has already responded to longer days and warmer nights.  Lesser calendine (Ranunculus ficaria) is already threatening to take over the world one tiny bublet at a time; its cheery face, shaped like the sun, disguises its invasive nature.
In spring, determined moss seems to grow as we watch in delight, sending up a variety of fertile stems, some like this one, less welcome when it sprouts in our brick walkway, though nonetheless appreciated for its chartreuse beauty. I've weeded around it for now.
Elsewhere, bursting continues, This year, though it is happening in March rather than April like springs of my recent memory.  Gardeners all over the East are discussing with amazement our early spring.

Periwinkle blue of Vinca minor  . . . 
. . . darkens into the lavender of an Azalea closely guarded by a steadfast crane.

They join the host of daffodils lining my garden paths leading up to a Birch bottle tree in full bloom - as it has been all through an otherwise colorless winter.

More signs of spring appear every day.

Sprouting Oak leaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) . . . 

. . .  a hardy species tulip that has bloomed for more than thirty years.

Even a pea, planted last fall, has survived winter's cold and hungry rabbits. It has sprouted, optimistically growing toward the sky.

One of the jewels of my spring garden is a Baby's breath spirea whose fingers reach out from under a spruce tree.  (To learn some of the history of this Spirea, click HERE and HERE
I hope you have enjoyed our spring walk, today.   For posts from Springtime past click on the links below.
Inside the Fence (april 13, 2010)
Garden Tour (April 2011)
Trespassing (april 2011 - my most popular post)
Now go outside and enjoy your spring (unless you live in the southern hemisphere. In which case you still have this to look forward to.)


Lona said...

Your spring garden is looking so lovely with all of those blooms. I love your azalea.I did not know that about the Robin. I thought they left every winter. LOL! Enjoy this beautiful weather.

greggo said...

thanks for stopping by my blog Linnie! It's funny the first two commenter's were named Linnie. lol. Nice images of spring!

greggo said...

sorry nellie. I mispoke. your name is not linnie. senior moment.

Unknown said...

Loved the walk through your garden. Spring is definitely here.

Unknown said...

Ah, I couldn't help but notice that you posted this week, but reference looking back on other spring walks... in April! Guess you're right and spring has come early all over. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that we don't all pay for it later, and enjoy your beautiful pictures for now. :-)

p.s. I'm especially enjoying the spirea. I SO wish I had the room for one of those beauties!