Monday, January 3, 2011

Ohio in the Mist

    New Year's Day 2011 brought an overcast morning followed by an overcast day - at least what I saw of it. I had been ill the final day of 2010 but now felt better so I was sure that I actually was better. (but that's another story.) Jeff and I decided to start the new year out right by pretty much avoiding it.  We lined up for tickets to see the movie, True Grit. Once it was over we decided upon another. We had about forty-five minutes to kill before The Little Fokkers began. (talk about movie whiplash . . .)  In Marietta, Ohio, there is one best place to kill time.  We headed for the levee which is not actually a levee at all, but a river landing and the heart of Marietta.  We sat in our cars looking back at West Virginia across the Ohio River by way of Buckley Island.

While we enjoyed the Canada Geese, it was the fog that drew our attention.  Bits of moisture drew up out of the river like wisps of angel hair.

An invisible hand pulled more and more strands off the river's  gray surface.
Waves of white fog lapped at the shore.
until definition of land and water's edge existed no more
each disappearing in a misty swirl
as do years in this middle-age mind.

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