Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Storm Clouds

It had been a nice couple hours walking through the woods, listening to the birds and listening to my own mind but now those once distant storm rumblings were very close.  I didn't have much time before the storm was on top of me.
The colors around me had changed with the wind.  While a cool breeze was now rustling through the trees, the woods beside me were growing dark.  I hurried through the weeds on the side of the hay field at the top of the hill.  Part of the old fence row that used to (usually) keep cattle in the field was still standing though now it merely served as an old boundary marker.

Clouds were rolling in fast enough now that I chose the quickest route home. 
I arrived home with the storm amid blowing leaves.
A few birds hurried across the sky to the protection of the trees though I wanted far away from the trees and that wind.
Leaves were flying everywhere and the thunder was getting louder.
I should probably get inside, but the clouds were irresistible as the storm grew stronger.
They rolled and boiled in the sky overhead with every shade of gray.
Silver slivers of sunlight tried to force its way through the boiling clouds.
A clear line marked the storm front. Now lightening was getting too close.  
I could hear the rain hitting the metal pole barn roof past the house so I took one last look at the clouds and stepped under the protective roof of the porch.
It just took one close shock of lightening for me to go running into the house. While I passed through my doorway, seeking protection form the rain, after these many dry days I was sure that I heard the trees and garden plants heave a collective sigh as they began drinking in the cool refreshing water.

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