Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter gets cold, I go inside. I stand by the fire. 
When I get hungry I get a snack out of the fridge.
Bats don't have so nice.
They need to find a cozy corner wherever they can.
Below is a Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus)

It has been hanging out, scrunched up into the eave of our open porch.
From what I've read, many of the young ones don't make it through their first winter. Big brown bats often eat beetles. Hence the reason for strong jaws and teeth and robust jaws.  The trouble is that there aren't many beetles flying around here in the winter.  The young bats have trouble getting enough fat stored for those cold winter nights. Warm winter days bring the bats out of hibernation long enough for a snack or two. 
I'm rooting for these two, the one above and the one below.
Thanks Craig Stihler of the West Virginia DNR for helping me identify them.

As an editing amendment, I am including a few links to see the water available here on our hill.  These springs seldom freeze, keeping water available to the bats.
Building the Pool - Peace 
Journey Begins at Pool of Tranquility
Deer Lick Spring & Refreshing Dip into the Pool (This one makes me feel like summer just re-reading it.)


TexWisGirl said...

oh, i do feel sorry for them!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so adorable, i wonder if there is anything to put out for them to eat

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Sandra, I thought about throwing bugs into the air in the evening. . . .but. . . .probably won't do it.

KaHolly said...

Guess bats don't migrate or hibernate, huh?

KaHolly said...

Oh, they DO hibernate! I re-read your post.....you can at least put out some water for it, maybe?

Nature in the Burbs said...

It looks like a nice, cozy spot for them, so hopefully they will withstand the winter!

Marvin said...

I will root for them too. Bats need all the help they can get.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

There look so harmless ...

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...
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Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

KaHolly and others concerned about the bats' water supply. That is one thing we have pretty well covered. to read about our water up here on our hill, go back to the post and read the addition of links at the bottom. One might even make your soul (and feet) ache for the heat of summer.