Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wood Frog While Mowing

Frogs and Toads are adept at hiding.  With usually perfect camouflage, they hold so still that our human eyes find it very hard to distinguish their shape.   This one blew its cover, though.
Though I'm not sure, I think it is a Wood frog (Rana sylvatica)
Luckily it is a Wood frog with quick reflexes. I was mowing. The Rana jumped out of soft dirt and came to rest among the spent flowers and weeds. I ran into the house to get my camera, knowing that the frog would be gone when I returned.
Still there, the frog appeared to be waiting in its pose.  I clicked and clicked again.  No movement. Its salmon-colored flesh was almost translucent.  While I knew I should examine its toes to help in identification, I felt sure the pink color as well as the black mask and lip mark would be enough.  I just didn't want to disturb the frog any more than I already had - mowing over its temporary home.  The day was cooling down, perhaps the frog had been tunneling into the soft soil in an effort to keep warm, getting ready for winter. I took another photo then covered it with green leaves in my own feeble attempt at camouflage. At least it wouldn't easily be seen from above.  
Good-bye frog.  Better get digging back into that dirt.


TexWisGirl said...

what a pretty guy!

rebecca said...

What a handsome fellow! Or lady.

KaHolly said...

I had a wood frog while mowing experience not too long ago. I did a sweep with the mower, and when I pulled it back, I could see something wiggling in the grass. Upon further inspection, it was a wood frog that had dug itself deep into the grass to avoid the blades of the mower. The first one I've ever seen on my property. I don't live near woods! Luckily, my mower's blades are set on the highest setting and he was unscathed.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

awesome shots, all of them, i love the second up from the bottom, he blends so beautifully with his surroundings. glad you did not mow him down

Out on the prairie said...

A nice find, glad you found it whole

pumpkydine said...

Wonderful shots! Isn't it nice when the object of our attention shows a little patience and gives us just a few moments to enjoy their beauty? Have a geat day!

Rose said...

Such a handsome little fellow.