Wednesday, July 11, 2012


An interesting family recently came to dinner.
They weren't much trouble.  In fact, I didn't have to fix anything. The whole family wanted only what we had lying around - grubs, bugs and other beings.  
I really hadn't expected them and was very surprised when I ran into the skunk family.
The children were beautiful. dark black with bright white stripes that started with a large head spot. Each had a blaze marking its forhead. Mom, like many of us moms, was a bit haggard looking with hair that had bleached lighter. Her white was not as bright.  They weren't too camera shy - at least I didn't think so.
I've written here before that skunks aren't too scary as long as they aren't startled or feel threatened. I try to keep talking when they are nearby so they will know I am there. (much too easy for me to keep talking, my friends would say)
Evidently this mother and her two youngsters didn't here me because as they closed in to within a few feet of me I said, "You guys do know I'm here, don't you?"  That got their attention.  Tails went up, (not a good thing when it comes to skunks) Mom turned them away from me, I backed up quickly . . .
. . . then, watched as they quietly humped their way out of sight.


Andrea said...

Oh you really had interesting visitors! I am sorry they went away so quickly, i still want to see more close up photos. Yes they are really beautiful, even looks good to pet! When do they emit the famous smell?

rebecca said...

Very cool! I think I could count on one hand the number of times I've seen skunks in the wild.

Mark and Gaz said...

That looks cool Nellie!

Karen said...

Oh, glad she changed her mind about leaving a 'calling card'! I think skunks are pretty, too, but that smell, ugh. Your description of Momma Skunk being a bit tattered was so cute. I think all moms are haggard while raising kids.

You always have the neatest photos, Nellie!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, and I'm glad they left quietly.I have had one try to come in my tent one year,and literally had to push it out.It wasn't happy and I ended up replacing the tent.

Esther Montgomery said...

How wonderful!

TexWisGirl said...

they are very cute.

KaHolly said...

Very sweet! I haven't seen skunks in years.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Thanks everyone. Jeff and I love our skunks. We stand or sit on our porch step sometimes with the skunk 2-3 feet away eating leftovers from under the bird feeders. As long as the skunk knows we are there we feel pretty secure. Around here old-timers call them "polecats.".

Kerri Farley said...

Oh they really are beautiful creatures!! I have some that prowl around the front yard .... if I come in late after dark ... I always jingle my keys loudly to let them know I'm around .... just in case :)

Kukkaiselämää said...

I haven't ever seen skunks in the nature. That would be interesting. We don't have any skunks here in Finland.


sharon said...

what fun very interesting out in the daylight.....

Anonymous said...

I live close to the wild of the bush and if I seen them on my rounds. I would freak out. They are cute but the fear of the tails up and spray.

Is the smell that even tomato in a can can help.
