Monday, June 4, 2012

As in other temperate zones, the Williamstown Wetlands is still in its morning time of the summer.  Plants are waking up, getting started for the season.
Several have worked their way up through the grass to stand with petals open to whichever insect has been chosen for its pollination.

Blackberry blossoms join the other white blooms that are among the first to appear.
Even a mundane White clover (Trifolium repens) displays its beauty when we bother to notice it.
Of course, there are a few Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) bright-eyed and already soaking up energy from the sun.
A Virbernum flower, green as small stalk of broccoli will soon blossom into white. This plant, native to our temperate region can be an important part of wetland ecosystems. In late summer and fall it will bear fruit, offering it both local and migrating birds.
Finally, bright, yellow tufts of Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) dot the border between the wetland path and the pond.
See you Tomorrow for more from the Williamstown Wetlands

1 comment:

Out on the prairie said...

You are behind in the blooming time we have here. I enjoyed the little white blooms.