Monday, November 28, 2011

Procrastination Payoff

Though many of you people who are efficient and energetic are saddened when it happens, procrastination sometimes pays off.
 Lemony blooms in mid November are this year's happy result of the laziness which occurred last spring as Forsythia blossoms fell into summer.
 I know the rules:  cut off old growth as soon as the blooms fall for perfectly shaped Forsythia full of nodding, golden rays next spring.
While we will probably pay for this next spring with fewer blossoms, what a nice way to enter the dreary days of Winter.
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Out on the prairie said...

I didn't know you had to trim them, i thought that would hurt the flowers. I like to force a few blooms from these in early spring, bringing them indoors in a vase of water.

Mark and Gaz said...

Sometimes it does pay to leave a few plants to bide it's time without extra intervention :)

Esther Montgomery said...

What a lovely bush!

TexWisGirl said...

it is pretty!

Karen said...

I love this post and it would fit in perfectly with GardenWalkGardenTalk's Word for Wednesday meme where she is showcasing the word 'Accidental'.

Accidental or procrastination, either way, this is a glorious way to welcome winter in to the garden!

NCmountainwoman said...

I just hate it when people trim forysthia. It was never intended to be a sculpted plant, perfectly shaped. I would treasure blossoms this time of year!

Of course, around here the deer do a pretty good job of keeping ours trimmed. Just one rain and we have to hurry with the repellant to keep those freeloaders away.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

The only problem with not pruning at all is that the plant gradually quits blooming unless it is allowed to escape. As its tendrils touch the ground it roots. The best way to keep it healthy in a landscape situation is to cut the old growth (at least 2 years old) all the way back to the base each year as soon as the blooms fall. That way we encourage new growth and new blooms. It should never be sculptured where both new and old growth are cut to shape the tree. A forsythia pruned the way I described assures a bush that doesn't outgrow its space yet has spider-like tendrils covered with bloom. The only problem with this is that some people (like me) put off the pruning until too late.