Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Morning Dance

Photo by Scarlett Fogle

Slowly, mist rises above the lake. 
Quietly, white strands greet 
the soft glow of sunlight,
unafraid of its authority over the day.

For a few short moments water visits light.
Together they mingle in the morning silence,
occupying space between
what is above and what is below.
Photo by Scarlett Fogle

Together they play; 
light through mist that dances 
across the surface
of a shimmering lake.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Nellie, Thanks for coming to my blog. Come back anytime. We have some things in common. Even though I am retired, I spent 25 years in Christian Education.. I was in the United Methodist Church.

I also love photography --so it sounds like we have some things in common. Hubby and I love to travel --but we go in our Prius and stay in the Holiday Inn Express... ha

Beautiful photos... Love the mist on the water... I need to check out more of your blog.


Connie said...

Beautiful photos, and I love the poem that goes with them too. I especially like the last four lines. Very nice! Thank you for the visit to my blog today.

Out on the prairie said...

A nice moment to always catch and share

Appalachian Lady said...

I love that kind of photo but too often don't get up early enough to capture the scene. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I haven't been to BSG in several years but it's an interesting area.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular shots

Rose said...

Beautiful words and beautiful photos!

Indie said...

Very pretty! Love the photos. I love the look of the mist rising off the water - it reminds me of a nearby lake from my childhood memories.

Andrea said...

Photos for tranquility. These can go very well with Repose theme too, Word for Wednesday in

Mark and Gaz said...

What a dramatic and stunning scenery :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Nellie girl these pictures are stunning .. it truly envokes the image of the water being like glass it is so still .. perfectly beautiful with prose !
Joy : )

pumpkydine said...

Nellie, I couldn't help but think of this post as I was going to work this morning. I saw a similar photo opportunity but due to appointments I could not stop and try to capture it. But I have yours to enjoy and you give a very beautiful description of the relationship.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Nellie,
Your beautiful words were perfectly illustrated by your photos!

Thanks for your comment on my last post. We are having a nice fall.

NCmountainwoman said...

Oh, so beautiful...the photographs and the words. We often see such mist and sunlight here in the mountains.

Rick said...

Ah, one of these days I must be up early to capture scenes as beautifully as you've captured these. The epitome of peace !!

D said...

Nellie, like a melody your beautiful words truly paint the picture.

Cynthia White said...

Wow, simply gorgeous!

Kerri Farley said...

Sooooo lovely!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Beautiful misty dances ...