I slipped out the back door to drop a plastic milk jug into the recycling can. Frozen in mid step, I dropped the bottle and ran inside for my camera.

"You have got to come outside - and hurry!"
"It's snowing in the sunshine!" I shouted to Jeff.
I maniacally ran around the house trying to look every direction. It was pouring down snow - big fluffy flakes of snow while sun shone brightly just as it was beginning its downward descent toward setting.
The air was filled with small arcs of color as I imagine it is in the cloud forest of Costa Rica (though I have never been)
Branches became wet with snow that ceased as quickly as it started. I felt I was in a giant, glistening spiderweb, damp with dew on a spring morning's dawn.
In its wake the miniature storm left shadows that stretched across the field . . .
. . . with lines that connected trees across their boundary.
Fabulous to be caught in a natural phenomenon that feels like you have stepped into a magical fairy tale,
Is that a beechwood? So glorious to see rainbows in the falling snow. WOW!
How very bizarre! One of those 'time stands still' moments! ~karen
Wow! I've seen sunshine and snow, but never with small rainbows like that. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
That is pretty amazing! What a great experience!
Arija, yes, it was wonderful. The white tree is actually a sycamore. I love their white trunks in the winter.
What a wonderful location you have! Enjoyed your pictures. Neat to find your blog and thank you for following mine! I am relatively new at blogging so I hope you will give me any comments or suggestions. Thanks again! John
Oh Nellie, the shot with the rainbows is just amazing. It made me think of fairies dancing.
...wow...the photo with multiple rainbows is stunning. I've never seen anything like that--very cool!
oh how cool! love the crazy light and colors! Great pictures! how fun to see!
I love the giant, glistening spiderweb imagery! Thank you for sharing the moment.
Magic! The rainbow is amazing!!
I have seen double rainbows and heard thunder when it was snowing. I regret I didn't have a camera with me. Your photos of this event are striking.
What a beautiful phenomena--kind of like a fog bow which I have only seen once in my life.
Just amazing shots. Love the rainbow arcs.
Those crazy weather moments are always the best. Glad you were there to snap away! Thanks for visiting.
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