Friday, June 25, 2010

My travels beyond my garden, today have taken me to Virginia.  Just a couple hundred miles from home and things have changed. The woods have a few more pines, and the ground has turned to a creamy orange, almost the color of a Dream Sickle ice cream bar.  Today, though, ice cream would not stand a chance.  It is close to 90 degrees and the ground appears very dry.  Like the West Virginia roadsides I described a couple days ago, the road from Charlottesville to Lynchburg boasts plenty of chicory but I did not notice Queen Ann's lace growing with it.  I'm sorry there are no photos so that you could travel into Lynchburg with me, but this Mariott computer will not allow me to upload photos.  I will check back in on Monday. Perhaps there will be some photos worth posting by then. 

Until Monday, enjoy your weekend, get out and see what your yard and neighborhood has to offer.

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