I take about five seconds to relax and breath for I've been hurrying all morning to pack my lunch, binoculars, jacket and, of course, my camera. Finally I notice that I am the only car in the parking lot. . . Uh-oh. . . People should already be here by now. After a frantic phone call, I find out that, no, I'm not on the wrong day, but I am at the wrong visitor's center. Williamstown only has one stoplight but it has two visitors centers so I zoom across town,anxiously trying to keep my speed below the required, and very slow, 25 mph. I pull into the correct parking lot at 8:00 exactly. How embarassing to be the new kid and late, too.
We take a few minutes to decide who will ride in which car and quickly take off for the wilds of Ohio. Our first stop off the highway is between two backwater areas and I am immediately rewarded for my hectic morning struggles. There before me, across the water, is a double-crested cormorant sunning itself. The bird is in non-breeding plummage, but one of the experts has assured me that yes, this is a double crested cormorant. How content he appears, enjoying this beautiful sunny morning. I admire the cormorant's stance - its balance.
We find a couple wood ducks, a kingfisher then pile back into our cars for the next stop.
It is not very long before we again pull to the side of the road, this time at the beginning of a deep bend around a small hay field. The wildflowers were sitting there with their feet in the soil waiting for us to admire their beauty.
Solomon's Seal, Polygonatum biflorum, a relative of Lilly of the Valley stands in the damp soil, its body nodding to shade the delicate flower buds. This one has not yet opened its flowers but will very soon. There are several specimens present here, just a few feet from the road, sharing the light of this clear clean morning with others of its kind, and plants that bear it no resemblance.

1 comment:
I love the photo of the man with his dear little Boston terrier. It was taken with love. Gorgeous lighting, too.
I saw pipevine swallowtails at Newell's Run on the 25th! my first of the year.
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