Water weather invokes the entire range of reactions. From anticipation, "I hope it rains or the grass won't grow." to "There is so much rain, I can't mow the grass." The farmer goes from wanting the rain to stop so that he can get his corn into the ground to praying for rain so that the corn will grow. I want rain to fill up the pond, but you want sunshine so that your family picnic won't be ruined.
Late summer and fall of 2010 found our water table low (again) requiring us to cut back how much laundry we did each day. While I don't mind not doing laundry, I do like to wear clean clothes and use clean towels so I rejoiced when it rained.
Today it is hard to rejoice. With less than two days of solid rain, the Ohio Valley has turned to mud. The ground is frozen and saturated, so the rain doesn't soak in very far.
Plants aren't as thirsty as in the heat of summer, so they don't drink as much. The creeks are starting to overflow and we know the river will rise.
Winter has left us for a short while to make room for the mud season. Lawns that became sparse during last summer's drought are now sources of mud. Mud to be tracked into the house or car. I hate all this water and I'm ready to start a second load of wash.

Back here in West Virginia, the local news lady tells me to "enjoy your day. There is no rain in sight."
That's all I have to say. I need a drink.
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